Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sponsor-A-Diaper : Your Donations are Needed!

Dear family + friends,

The time has come. While Eric and I anxiously await our little arrival, we are in need of your assistance...with diapers. Apparently babies require some, and they are costly buggers.

We will be cloth diapering, so this necessitates an upfront cost. I have searched and researched carefully, and have found excellent deals on a variety of second-hand cloth diapers and covers, typically at around half the cost of new ones. However, babies still require lots of them considering that they continue to grow, thus we are asking for your financial donation to our bum-covering cause! You may also think of it as our virtual baby shower!

Imagine it this way:

$10 sponsors 2 cloth diapers
$15 sponsors 2 cloth diapers + 1 PUL cover
$20 sponsors 2 cloth diapers + 1 wool cover
$25 sponsors 2 cloth diapers + 1 wool cover + cloth wipes

If you love to pick out gifts, we still also welcome whatever you might select for us. We do have our online registries linked in the sidebar. ==>

Our previous post has a detailing of some of our other needs, but quite simply we recognize that our priority is diapers, diapers, diapers!

Checks can be sent to us (please email me for our address)


You can also donate using your credit or debit card RIGHT NOW by clicking here to donate directly into our bank account via our Paypal account. (Your PayPal account also accepted!) Please let me know if you need any assistance with it!

There will be PLENTY of cloth bum pictures in the future! When you see them, won't you love knowing that, "Hey, that bum was made extra cute/fluffy/covered by ME!!!" ????

If you would like more information about cloth diapering goodness, just ask! I love to talk about it and am so excited to begin!

Our estimated due date is fast approaching - this Friday, June 26th. I fully expect that this babe will be a late one. We will be twittering (and maybe blogging) updates. Look for a post soon on how to follow along on our twitter!

with lots + lots of love,
