Wednesday, January 14, 2009

thanks for the reminder.

Sometimes I might need a little push to get more stuff posted here. Recently, I was reminded that it would be kind if I posted about our last CNM visit. Here goes:

I can't be bothered to look back at our other posts right now and see if I have previously mentioned this or not, but we are seeing a Certified Nurse Midwife (Sally Avenson, if you want to look her up). We chose her because I lean toward doing an out of hospital birth but I also recognize that many first time births end up heading to the hospital. She has hospital privileges at a couple of good hospitals in the area, so she would be able to still deliver for us if we went to one of those. As a CNM she can also prescribe me anything I may need. So far I feel I am in very good hands. She has a home office so it is very casual and comfy with dogs around. No tables or stirrups. It is a nice environment for our visits. She has also been very helpful with filling us in on what our medical coupons (Medicaid coverage - let's just refer to them as MCs from now on) will get us.

Our second visit with her went just fine. Everything is good, normal. She took more blood for the rest of our genetic testing. My right ovary was larger at my ultrasound, so they think that was the egg-releasing culprit for the pregnancy. I found out that my MCs will provide us with an infant car seat, a breast pump, and a belly/back support belt. I had a pap done (haven't had one in over 2 years) and saw my BIG cervix that is acting all protective of my uterus. All of my levels (iron and such) are good and normal (had a lot of blood taken at my ultrasound). We heard the heartbeat again and I felt the top of my uterus, which is coming closer and closer to my belly button. I think those were most of the significant things.

I also spoke with Sally a bit about having some feelings of depression. I seem to experience them much more easily when I do not get enough sleep, and, of course, if there are any situational occurrences. Luckily I am only in the midst of applying for a new job during a shitty economy and also trying to complete a grad school application. Sally recommended that we start some counseling now, because then we will have it set up in case I also experience postpartum depression (if I am experiencing some now, there may be a good chance I will experience it later too). Apparently my MCs will cover it, but it is tricky to find a counselor that will take Medicaid clients. However she said that there is a service through WIC that can help me. I have my second appointment with WIC next week, so I will check on getting set up with that.

Our next appointment with Sally is Feb 2nd. We will be setting up another ultrasound for sometime after that. Yeah, that's the one where we can find our the sex. I lean toward not finding out, but there is great debate about it in the house. Weigh in via comments, if you like.


jaimezee said...

i really loved reading this post. and i would really really love reading another post too. xoxoxo.